A Huge Thank You To All of My Supporters and a Brief Reflection on Our Spinning World | by Ben Ulansey | Thought Thinkers | Dec, 2024

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A Huge Thank You To All of My Supporters and a Brief Reflection on Our Spinning World | by Ben Ulansey | Thought Thinkers | Dec, 2024

New Years, new opportunities, and strange new times

Ben Ulansey

Thought Thinkers

Author squinting in the sun beneath the Las Vegas sign

I’ll keep this one short-(ish) and try my best to make sure it’s as unsappy as possible.

There can be a certain hokeyness around the idea of the New Years’ holiday and beginning fresh on January 1st. I’ve been known to set resolutions for myself that I struggle to maintain into the following December; it’s true. But as long as each year I can become a marginally better person than the year before, I’d love to believe I’m doing some small things right.

I may not be wildly different this January, despite how lofty my ambitions for the coming year are in this current moment. I might give up on some of the promises I make for myself by the time March comes around. But if nothing else, each new year brings with it an opportunity to reflect on everything that changes.

For the past few years, so many of these change-based reflections have centered around the way that writing has consumed more and more of my life. And it has.

In 2022, I began to reckon with the idea that I was a writer, but still struggled to say the words aloud. By 2023, I could admit what I’d begun doing professionally to both friends and strangers. By…

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