Amazing Dental Cleaning Hacks


It is not a secret that good oral hygiene is one of the most important things in our lives. It has an impact on our general well-being, confidence, and self-esteem. That’s why we all make sure to brush our teeth twice a day and see the dentist once a year. However, keeping the pearly whites clean on a daily basis can be challenging and tricky at times. So, if you are looking for some amazing dental cleaning hacks, keep reading!

Floss before you brush

First and foremost, before you start brushing your teeth, make sure to floss. Brushing alone will not get rid of all the bacteria because it is not able to get into the areas between the teeth. However, dental floss is quite efficient at removing plaque and other debris from these places. It is a good idea to floss before you start brushing so you can use the debris from the floss as a reminder of what areas you need to focus on. This way, you will be able to properly clean each and every tooth.

Use baking soda and vinegar

If you’re looking for a cheap and efficient way to clean your teeth and freshen your breath, baking soda and vinegar are exactly what you need! All you need to do is mix the two ingredients and use the mixture to clean your teeth, like you would with any normal toothpaste. The great thing about this dental cleaning hack is that it will also help gum disease and any cavities you may have! Furthermore, if you are not a big fan of the taste, you can also add some peppermint oil to the mixture. This will help eliminate the taste of vinegar, while also boosting the cleaning properties of the mixture. Another variation of this hack is using hydrogen peroxide as a substitute for vinegar. It also works just as well!

Vinegar and Lemon for a white smile

If you want a white smile, there is no better way to do it than with some white vinegar and lemon. All you have to do is mix the two ingredients, and then use the mixture to brush your teeth. This is a great and cheap way to whiten your teeth naturally and without having to visit a dentist. Make sure to do this a couple of times a week and you will see how effective it is. If you want to speed up the process even more, you can also add some salt to the mixture. This will increase the abrasiveness of the mixture, which will speed up the process even more!

Try a tongue scraper

A tongue scraper is a great and cheap tool that can help you keep your breath fresh and clean your tongue. This is a great way to prevent bad breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy. It is a simple cleaning technique, but many people don’t even know it exists! The best way to use a tongue scraper is to put some water in your mouth and then use the scraper to get rid of the bacteria on your tongue. You can do this before brushing your teeth, or if you don’t have enough time, you can do it after. The best part about this dental cleaning hack is that you don’t necessarily have to buy a tongue scraper. You can use a piece of paper or a dental floss as a substitute!

Don’t forget the mouthwash

Mouthwash is a great way to keep your breath fresh and clean your teeth. The best part is that there are many different types of mouthwash out there and you can choose the one that suits you the most. If you want to get rid of plaque and keep your teeth and gums healthy, you can opt for a mouthwash that contains fluoride. If you want to boost your confidence in social situations and boost your self-esteem, you can opt for a mouthwash that contains menthol or peppermint. It is up to you! One important thing to keep in mind is to not neglect the importance of brushing your teeth and flossing. Simply using a mouthwash won’t get rid of all the bacteria and plaque in your mouth. You have to make sure to brush and floss as well!


In conclusion, we can say that there are many different ways to keep your teeth clean, pearly white, and healthy. All you have to do is find the method that suits you the most and make sure to follow it every day. Good oral hygiene is not something that you should take lightly. It is as important as any other part of your health.