How Much Should Someone Pay You to Clean their House?


Cleaning a house can be a tedious and time-consuming task that not everyone has the time or energy to do. So, if you’re someone who enjoys cleaning and has a knack for making homes spotless, you might be considering offering your services as a house cleaner. But, how much should you charge for your services? The answer may not be as straightforward as you think. Factors such as the size of the house, the level of cleaning required, and your level of experience can all affect your pricing. In this article, we’ll explore how much someone should pay you to clean their house, and provide some tips on how to determine a fair and reasonable rate for your services. So, if you’re ready to start earning money by keeping homes neat and tidy, keep reading!

Start a House Cleaning Business

Factors that affect house cleaning rates

The first thing to consider when determining how much to charge for house cleaning services is the factors that affect your rates. These factors include the size of the house, the level of cleaning required, and your level of experience.

The size of the house is one of the most important factors to consider. A larger house will require more time and effort to clean, which means you should charge more for your services. You should also take into account the number of rooms and bathrooms in the house, as well as any additional spaces that may need cleaning, such as a basement or garage.

The level of cleaning required is another important factor to consider. Some houses may only need a basic cleaning, while others may require deep cleaning or specialized services, such as carpet cleaning or window washing. The more specialized the cleaning services required, the more you should charge for your services.

Your level of experience is also a factor to consider. If you’re just starting out as a house cleaner, you may need to charge less than someone who has years of experience and a proven track record of providing high-quality cleaning services. However, as you gain more experience and build a reputation as a reliable and skilled house cleaner, you can start to increase your rates.

Hourly vs. flat rates

Another factor to consider when determining your house cleaning rates is whether to charge hourly or flat rates. Hourly rates are based on the amount of time it takes to clean a house, while flat rates are a set fee for cleaning a specific house or space.

Hourly rates may be a good option if you’re just starting out and want to ensure you’re being paid for the time you spend cleaning. However, hourly rates can be difficult to estimate, as the amount of time it takes to clean a house can vary based on the factors we discussed earlier.

Flat rates can be a better option if you have a good understanding of how long it takes to clean a specific house or space. Flat rates also provide more clarity for clients, as they know exactly how much they’ll be paying for your services.

Average rates for house cleaning services

So, how much should you charge for your house cleaning services? The answer depends on the factors we discussed earlier, as well as the location in which you’re providing your services.

According to Home-advisor, the average cost of house cleaning services in the United States is $168. However, this cost can vary significantly based on location and the factors we discussed earlier.

In general, you can expect to charge anywhere from $20 to $45 per hour for house cleaning services. If you’re charging a flat rate, you can expect to charge anywhere from $75 to $200 for a basic cleaning of a small to medium-sized house.

Additional costs to consider

When determining your house cleaning rates, it’s important to consider any additional costs that may be associated with your services. These costs may include the cost of cleaning supplies and equipment, as well as any travel expenses you may incur.

You may also want to consider offering additional services, such as laundry or organizing services, which can help you increase your rates and provide more value to your clients.

Tips for negotiating rates with clients

Negotiating your rates with clients can be a tricky process, but there are some tips you can follow to ensure you’re getting paid fairly for your services. First, be clear and upfront about your rates from the beginning. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or disagreements later on.

You can also consider offering discounts to clients who sign up for recurring cleaning services, as this can help you build a steady stream of income and provide more value to your clients.

Finally, don’t be afraid to negotiate with clients who may be hesitant to pay your rates. You can offer to provide additional services or adjust your rates based on their specific needs and budget.

Marketing your house cleaning services

Once you’ve determined your rates and are ready to start offering your house cleaning services, it’s important to market your services effectively. You can start by creating a website or social media profile that showcases your services and provides information on your rates and availability.

You can also consider offering promotions or discounts to new clients, as this can help you build a client base and establish yourself as a reliable and skilled house cleaner.

Networking and word-of-mouth can also be effective marketing tools, so be sure to let your friends, family, and neighbors know that you’re offering house cleaning services.

How to increase your house cleaning rates

As you gain more experience and build a reputation as a reliable and skilled house cleaner, you can start to increase your rates. You can do this by offering more specialized services, such as carpet cleaning or window washing, or by expanding your service area to reach more clients.

You can also consider investing in additional training or certifications, such as a certification in green cleaning or a course in house cleaning management, which can help you stand out from the competition and justify higher rates.

Start a House Cleaning Business


Determining how much to charge for your house cleaning services can be a challenging process, but by considering the factors we discussed and following the tips we provided, you can ensure you’re getting paid fairly for your services. Remember to be clear and upfront about your rates, and to market your services effectively to attract new clients and build a steady stream of income. With hard work and dedication, you can turn your passion for cleaning into a profitable business.